Saturday, November 7, 2009


-Contest ends November 30th
I love fellow Canadian bloggers!


  1. Hey thanks for letting me know!
    Yea I think once I changed my URL... all my followers are unfollowed =(
    Did you happen to get an email from me though? I sent one to everyone through the blogger emailing system.. I hope it didn't end up in everyones junk mails lol

  2. yea it should have been sent to your email, the one you are using for Blogger.
    It's ok I'll just try to contact everyone... AGAIN lol hmm just refollow and see if that works =)

  3. I really like mac.. i think it's more fun than pc lol
    the only thing is.. because I have all these huge ass programs on it.. it really slows thing down... so sometimes i get that colorwheel for a while and it's really annoying. but it's still awesome =)
