I had a great birthday weekend this year. I had work on my actual birthday but after work I had dinner with my family and went ot bbt with my friends at night. My bf came back out from Hamilton to celebrate and got me a cake. We had a great time at bbt with all my friends. :) I got a CD and a calendar organizer that's also used as a mouse pad. 2 in 1~
Then on Sat I went aldo shopping as i said in my haul below. The next day on Sunday I woke up early and went over to my bf for lunch. He made me food. Then we went with a few friends to Yorkdale shopping. I didn't really get anything.
First I went to Sephora to get my birthday gift from the beautyinsider member card. :) I had to get it within 7 days or so I think so I had to make sure I rmb to get it. So I got a set of three small sample size lip glosses. They are really cute and easy to carry around. Great for travelling. So I'm glad I picked it up.
I also went to COACH to look around at the new collection. I don't have any designer bags cause I don't really think I'm at the point in life where I need to splurge on something like that and it snot like I'm earning loads. The earnings to purse cost ratio isn't there yet for me to afford a high end bag. I'm good with my cheap and convenient bags :)
They have the new collection called POPPY and I had signed up and printed the online promoting that they had. I went in with my paper copy of the site and my information and I got a free gift. It was a box of pencils with a really cool design for the box. It was free so why not get it? The sales lady said there wasn't a lot left ! I think this will just be sitting in my room for display. its cute. :)
I did go to body shop again and this time i got a mirror for $3. I decided to invest in this. Every time I buy the plastic kinds they break.. I might as well get this fabric one and it'll last me longer in the long run. The stuff there are getting CHEAPER! i was so scared the stuff I brought before were going to be cheaper.. I would have been so mad. haha. the manager at the store was selling so hard core. talking about the body shop member card and giving ppl samples and talks. Someone even tried to like make bargains with her. If she brought more of this and that she get a discount on other stuff. lol. It was funny. I think they are desperately in need of selling all the sale items. This one had different stuff but none of the gift sets so I didn't get anything. I think the things that are worth the most are the gift sets cause you get multiple items for a reletavely cheap price.
My friend got a sample of the body butter. cause the manager was trying to get him to buy it. lol. it was funny.
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